Private talk:Task: "About Wittgenstein" page/Review of P. Coffey, “The Science of Logic”

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Suggested edit by Josh Eisenthal (7 Nov 2023):

In 1913, as part of his academic duties as a bachelor student, Wittgenstein wrote a brief review of The Science of Logic, written by the philosopher and mathematician Peter Coffey. Wittgenstein's review appeared in The Cambridge Review (vol. 34, no. 853, 6 Mar. 1913, p. 351). In an openly ironic tone, he argues against the antiquated views of the author and the inaccuracies of the logical notions he expresses, some of which – such as the subject-predicate form of the proposition, the relationship between thought and reality, and the logical-semantic function of the verb “to be” – will be examined in Wittgenstein’s own writings from the 1910s.