System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.
Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
action-multipageedit (talk) (Translate) | edit multiple pages using a spreadsheet |
action-nominornewtalk (talk) (Translate) | not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt |
action-noratelimit (talk) (Translate) | not be affected by rate limits |
action-nuke (talk) (Translate) | nuke pages |
action-oathauth-api-all (talk) (Translate) | check OATH status |
action-oathauth-disable-for-user (talk) (Translate) | disable two-factor authentication for a user |
action-oathauth-enable (talk) (Translate) | enable two-factor authentication |
action-oathauth-verify-user (talk) (Translate) | verify whether a user has two-factor authentication enabled |
action-oathauth-view-log (talk) (Translate) | access to log of two-factor authentication changes |
action-override-export-depth (talk) (Translate) | export pages including linked pages up to a depth of 5 |
action-pagelang (talk) (Translate) | change the page language |
action-patrol (talk) (Translate) | mark others' edits as patrolled |
action-patrolmarks (talk) (Translate) | view recent changes patrol marks |
action-protect (talk) (Translate) | change protection settings for this page |
action-purge (talk) (Translate) | purge this page |
action-read (talk) (Translate) | read this page |
action-renameuser (talk) (Translate) | rename users |
action-replacetext (talk) (Translate) | make string replacements on the entire wiki |
action-reupload (talk) (Translate) | overwrite this existing file |
action-reupload-own (talk) (Translate) | overwrite existing files uploaded by oneself |
action-reupload-shared (talk) (Translate) | override this file on a shared repository |
action-rollback (talk) (Translate) | quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page |
action-sboverride (talk) (Translate) | bypass the spam block list |
action-sendemail (talk) (Translate) | send emails |
action-siteadmin (talk) (Translate) | lock or unlock the database |
action-skipcaptcha (talk) (Translate) | perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA |
action-smw-admin (talk) (Translate) | access Semantic MediaWiki administration tasks |
action-smw-pageedit (talk) (Translate) | edit pages annotated with <code>Is edit protected</code> (Semantic MediaWiki) |
action-smw-patternedit (talk) (Translate) | edit regular expressions used by Semantic MediaWiki |
action-smw-ruleedit (talk) (Translate) | edit rule pages (Semantic MediaWiki) |
action-spamblacklistlog (talk) (Translate) | view the spam block list log |
action-suppressionlog (talk) (Translate) | view this private log |
action-suppressredirect (talk) (Translate) | not create redirects from source pages when moving pages |
action-suppressrevision (talk) (Translate) | review and undelete hidden revisions |
action-tboverride (talk) (Translate) | override the disallowed titles or usernames list |
action-tboverride-account (talk) (Translate) | override the disallowed usernames list |
action-titleblacklistlog (talk) (Translate) | view the disallowed titles list log |
action-unblockself (talk) (Translate) | unblock oneself |
action-undelete (talk) (Translate) | undelete pages |
action-unwatchedpages (talk) (Translate) | view the list of unwatched pages |
action-upload (talk) (Translate) | upload this file |
action-upload_by_url (talk) (Translate) | upload this file from a URL |
action-userrights (talk) (Translate) | edit all user rights |
action-userrights-interwiki (talk) (Translate) | edit user rights of users on other wikis |
action-viewedittab (talk) (Translate) | view the "{{int:edit}}" tab for pages editable by form |
action-viewmyprivateinfo (talk) (Translate) | view your private information |
action-viewmywatchlist (talk) (Translate) | view your watchlist |
action-viewsuppressed (talk) (Translate) | view revisions hidden from any user |
action-writeapi (talk) (Translate) | use the write API |
actioncomplete (talk) (Translate) | Action complete |