Talk:Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (português)

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This page provides information about the quality control performed by LWP volunteers and independent experts. See also Quality policy.
Uploaded by:
Michele Lavazza (2023-12)
Formatting reviewed by:
Davi Bulgarelli (2024-09)
Translation reviewed by LWP volunteer(s):
Translation reviewed by independent expert 1:
Reviewers at the Companhia Editora Nacional, Editôra da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (1968-)
Translation reviewed by independent expert 2:

This is considered a "Scholarly approved translation" because it was first published in 1968 by the Companhia Editora Nacional with the supervision of scholars at the University of São Paulo.

The formal revision (proofreading) of the web version was done in summer 2023 by Davi Bulgarelli (see Private:Task: Portuguese translation of the Tractatus).

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