The Ludwig Wittgenstein Project's blog welcomes guest posts. If you would like to submit a proposal, please send your text to Be sure to follow these guidelines:
- The file must be in the .docx or .odt format.
- The text must be in English.
- The text can be as short as you like and should not be longer than 12.500 characters (spaces included).
- In addition to the text of the post, the document you share with us should contain:
- The title of your contribution.
- A very brief summary that will serve as the post's subheading.
- Up to three categories your proposal falls within, among the following:
- Your name, a picture of yourself, a short bio, and (optionally) a link to a personal page of yours.
- It would be appreciated if you also included at least one image; please send any images as separate files, preferably in the JPG or PNG format; it is important that you have the right to publish these images, meaning that they must either be your own work, or they must be licenced under a free licence, or they must be in the public domain; if you are not sure about an image's copyright status, the LWP team will provide consultancy.
Submissions will be reviewed informally by the LWP team. We will get back to you with a notification of acceptance, acceptance with changes, or rejection within a reasonable timeframe (approximately one week).
The text of accepted posts will be published under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. By submitting your proposal, you guarantee that the text is your own work and you agree to licencing it under these terms.