Main Page
Welcome to The Ludwig Wittgenstein Project! This website aims to make available as many of Wittgenstein's works as possible, free of charge and with a free license.
On 1 January 2022, Wittgenstein's works entered the public domain in those countries where rights expire 70 years after the death of the author: this includes most of the European Union, Asia and Oceania, most of Latin American Countries and Canada.
Starting from that date, The Ludwig Wittgenstein Project will provide complete, well-formatted, downloadable, free books: the German or English originals as well as translations in multiple languages that were purpose-made by our team. See All texts for more information.
Skjolden, Norway. Wittgenstein stayed in Skjolden many times between 1913 and 1950. Photo by Nicolás Boullosa, CC BY.
Can you help?
The Wittgenstein Project is a non-for-profit endeavor. We rely on the voluntary work of a group of academics and experts who helped transcribe, format, proofread, translate Wittgenstein's works. We are always looking forward to having more people involved in the project: if you are a translator, a Wittgenstein scholar, a legal expert, or if you would like to help by proofreading the texts, please do not hesitate to contac us! We will be delighted to welcome you on board.