The Ludwig Wittgenstein Project's blog welcomes guest posts. If you'd like to submit your proposals, please send your text to Be sure to follow these guidelines:
- The file should be in the .docx or .odt format.
- The text can be as short as you like and should not be longer than 12.500 characters (spaces included).
- In addition to the text of the post, the document you share with us should contain:
- The title of your contribution.
- A very brief summary that will serve as the post's subheading.
- Up to three categories your proposal falls within, among the following:
- Your name, a picture of yourself, a short bio, and (optionally) a link to a personal page of yours.
Submissions will be reviewed informally by the LWP team. We will get back to you with a notification of acceptance, acceptance with changes, or rejection within a reasonable timeframe (approximately one week).
Accepted posts will be published under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. By submitting your proposal, you agree to licencing your text under these terms.